Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Crayola 64 Ct Crayons

 In Stock
List Price: $9.99
Price: $5.66 

Product Features

  • Crayola Brand 64CT Crayon/Sharpener

Product Details

  • Product Dimensions: 1.6 x 5 x 5.7 inches ; 1.6 ounces
  • Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
  • ASIN: B00004YO15
  • Item model number: 52-0064
  • Manufacturer recommended age: 4 - 15 years

Product Description

Vibrant classic crayons. Robust color assortment of true hues and intense brightness in primary and secondary colors. Double wrapped for extra strength and durability. Non-washable. Color(s): 64 Assorted Assortment: N/A Crayon Size: 3 5/8 x 5/16 in Size Group: Standard.Unit of Measure : Box

Durability:5.0 out of 5 stars  Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars  Educational:5.0 out of 5 stars 
Getting a box of 64 Crayola crayons is fun for any kid, any age. The colors are amazing, the possibilities are endless. My daughter loves the BIG box and loves to draw. With so many colors to choose from it takes coloring to another level. As always, Crayola is a great choice. A quality product, at a great price.

Crayola 24 Ct Crayons

In Stock
List Price: $4.99
Price: $3.47

Product Features

  • Includes key primary and secondary colors
  • Convenient small package
  • Double-wrapped crayon for extra strength
  • Preferred by Teachers
  • Provides hours of creative coloring fun. Made in America

Product Details

  • Product Dimensions: 1.1 x 2.8 x 4.5 inches ; 4.5 ounces
  • Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
  • ASIN: B00004TTI6
  • Item model number: 52-3024
  • Manufacturer recommended age: 4 - 15 years

Product Description

Here it is: the classic box of crayons for every use. The box is small enough to fit in a book bag or knapsack, but large enough to hold a wide variety of colors. From carnation pink to cerulean, indigo to scarlet, you can mix and match to create colorful drawings and bold signs. It's a must-have for every kid!  

By c2
Durability: 5.0 out of 5 stars    Educational: 5.0 out of 5 stars    Fun: 5.0 out of 5 stars   
This is the first year we were required by the school district to buy the 24 package of crayons for the students. Honestly, I've tried all those offbeat brands and nothing works like Crayola. I even buy these for the Shoeboxes that we send overseas with Franklin Graham's ministry. They hold up better, don't flake all over the place, the kid's clothes, etc., and the children just prefer the colors of these compared to the knock-offs. Kudos to Crayola - they've been making the best for years and no one has ever figured out how to make them better, because you can't! Highly recommend! 

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

Crayola Classic Color Pack Crayons, 8 Colors/Box

In Stock
List Price:$3.99

Product Features

  • Classic crayons for children of all ages.
  • True hues and intense brightness in primary and secondary colors.
  • Double wrapped for extra strength.
  • Non-washable.
  • Made in America
Durability: 5.0 out of 5 stars    Educational: 4.0 out of 5 stars    Fun: 5.0 out of 5 stars   
If I am going to visit a child and I want to bring a little something, I like to bring an age appropriate coloring book and a small box of Crayola Crayons.
Most of the time they have more crayons then they need but I have always liked Crayola and feel I have to bring them anyway.. I cannot walk past a box in the store without taking a sniff. I keep a box in my closet, so you can say I am a closet sniffer. I ould not even imagine buying any oter brand.

Crayola Washable Crayons, Large, 8 Colors/Box

In Stock

Product Features

  • 8ct Large Washable Crayons
  • Washability you can trust!
  • Bright colors
  • Smoother, easier laydown.
  • Non-toxic Crayons
  • Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Orange, Red, Violet, Yellow
  • Crayons wash from most clothing.
  • Wipes off most nonporous surfaces with warm water and a sponge.
Product Review By L. Steiner VINE™ VOICE
Durability: 5.0 out of 5 stars    Educational: 5.0 out of 5 stars    Fun: 5.0 out of 5 stars   
I didn't think there was anything I could contribute about crayons, but these are incredible.
Here's what happened~ my 20 month old grandson was coloring with them, and one fell on the floor.
The dog promptly started eating it, creating an instant mess.
I went to the kitchen to throw out the remains, and I noticed my grandson went into the back room,
but I was distracted, wiping the remains of the crayon off the rug (came up like magic).
When I looked up, I saw my angel coloring the white bedroom door with the black crayon.
Oh, he was so proud! After counting to 10,
I returned to the kitchen and got a paper towel and put a drop of dishsoap on it.
I wiped the door, and believe it or not, the crayon came right off, and left not a trace.
There was no scrubbing involved at all. What else can I say?
Oh they color as nice as the originals too, and are large for little hands.
Try them, the price is also great!

Crayola 24 Ct Crayon

In Stock

List Price:$4.99

Product Features :

  • Includes key primary and secondary colors
  • Convenient small package
  • Double-wrapped crayon for extra strength
  • Preferred by Teachers
  • Provides hours of creative coloring fun. Made in America

Product Review By Michael Hunt
Durability: 3.0 out of 5 stars    Educational: 5.0 out of 5 stars    Fun: 5.0 out of 5 stars  
"My mom was too poor to buy me awesome name brand crayons like all the other kids had when I was little. Now that im all grown up and dont have to steal the worn out ones from Pizza Hut I bought my very own box. Its a little harder to stay in between the lines with your pinky up due to the fancyness of these Crayolas but im hoping my skills will improve with time.
PS. there arent even 24 colors in the rainbow! Crayola has done it again with their wizardry."

Alby Store

Alby Store

Di blog ini saya ingin manjual kepada anda berbagai macam jenis crayon, tentu dengan harga yang murah dan kualitas yang terjamin. Toko online ini bukalah toko yang sudah lama berdiri, namun baru dibuat di tahun 2012 ini. Mungkin memang belum anda kenal apa saja yang kami jual disini, karena itu kami selalu mengupdate dan menyajikan produk - produk crayon terbaik untuk anda. Tentu kepercayaan anada sangat kami butuhkan, kami menjual dengan sepenuh hati dan pelayanan yang baik, semoga dengan kerja sama yang baik toko ini dapat berkembang, terima kasih atas kunjungan anda.

Silahkan kunjungi toko ini, dan temukan produk yang anda cari, semoga anda nyaman.
Bila ada keluhan dan saran, tolong amail kami di : albinusandykurniawan@yahoo.co.id
atau kunjungi blog pusat kami di www.albinstechno.blogspot.com
Pesan dan kesan anda sangat kami butuhkan untuk membangun blog ini agar menjadi lebih baik.

Penemu crayon


Edwin Binney & Harold Smith yang menemukan crayon
Foto: wikipedia.org

Crayon Binney dan Smith terbuat dari campuran kapur dan minyak. Karena saat itu mereka tidak tahu harus menyebut campuran itu dengan nama apa. Dan dengan usulan Alice istri dari Edwin Binney maka penemuan itu disebut dengan sebutan crayon.
Nama crayon ternyata juga berasal dari bahasa Prancis dari Alice, yaitu Craie, yang mempunyai arti kapur dan oleaginoux (minyak).

Sebelum crayon ditemukan, para seniman lebih senang mmenggunakan cat minyaj dan akrilik sebagai sarana untu melukis. Ternyata saat dikenalkan kepada anak-anak mereka cukup kesulitan, karena bahan ini mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya yang tidak baik untuk kesehatan, tentu tidak ramah lingkungan
Dari masalah inilah para seniman berdiskusi dan melakukan berbagai penelitian untuk membuat pewarna yang aman untuk anak-anak.

Sekitar tahun 1930, barulah muncul pewarna yang akrab dengan anak-anak, yaitu crayon. Penemunya adalah Edwin Binney dan sepupunya, Harold Smith, yang berasal dari Easton, Pennsylvania, Amerika.
Kenapa penemuannya aman untuk anak- anak ? Karena, pewarna ini terbuat dari campuran kapur dan minyak. Lalu siapa yang memberi nama pewarna itu ? Alice Binney (istri Edwin) yang menamakannya crayon. Tentu saja bukan tanpa sebab menamai dengan nama crayon, kerena crayon berasal dari bahasa prancis, yaitu craie (kapur) dan oleaginous (minyak).

Pada tahun 1921, seorang seniman di Jepang bernama Yamamoto pun, berhasil menemukan crayon berkualitas tinggi tentu dengan hasil yang lebih lembu, halus dan berwarna cerah.

Pada tahun 1947, seniman Henri Goet dan Pablo Picasso berbicara ingin merancang produk anak-anak, mereka ingin crayon yang diciptakan dapat diterapkan dimana saja, dan pada tahun 1949 terciptalah crayon profesional pertama, dengan crayon ini warna-warna cemerlang dan gradasi yang panjang dihasilkan.

Saat ini crayon tidaklah lagi dibuat menggunakan kapur dan minyak, melainkan dibuat dari minyak, lilin dan bubuk pengeras sehingga menghasilkan batang crayon yang kokoh dan kuat. Ada dua jenis crayon yang dapat kita kenal yaitu, oil pastel crayon (terbuat dari campuran minyak dan bubuk pewarna) dan wax crayon (terbuat dari campuran lilin dan bubuk pewarna). Sifat dari oil pastel crayon tidak terlalu keras dan licin, sedangkan wax crayon mempunyai karakter yang keras dan licin. Akhirnya pada tahun 2000, barulah perusahaan crayon mencoba membuat gabungan oil dan wax, dan ketika dicoba ternyata hasil pewarnaannya lebih halus, warna lebih cerah dan tidak banyak menyisakan ampas sehingga gambar nampak lebih bersih.